Sermons by: Roy Hange

September 11, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 15:1-10; 1 Timothy 1:12-17 |

August 28, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 14:1, 7-14; Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 |

Agonizing isolations transformed

August 21, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 13:10-17; Hebrews 12:18-29 |

Jesus gets salty…

April 24, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 24:22-26 |


Rolling the stones from our eyes, slowly

April 17, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 24:17-21 |


Now on that same day

April 3, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 24:13-17 |


Palm Sunday: Opening the Gates of Heaven

March 20, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 22:14-34; Philippians 2:5-11 |


Lent 5: The tale of three women

March 13, 2016 ()

Bible Text: John 12:1-8; Philippians 3:4b-14 |


Lent 3: Amazing nag, how sweet the sound?

February 28, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 13:1-9 |


Lent 2: Imitation vanilla, imitation Lord?

February 21, 2016 ()

Bible Text: Luke 13:31-35 |
