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Stewardship Sunday
September 29, 2002

Gathering in Christ's name

Call to worship
Prayer of invocation
Prayer of Confession
Children's Story

Proclaiming God's Word

Scripture Matthew 25:14-28
Sermon "The tragedy of the unopened gifts"

Responding to God's call

Joys and concerns
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer


Worship Leader - Maren Tyedmers Hange
Sermon - Barbara and Jonas Bontrager
Music - Jeff Myers, Michelle Heatwole
Nursery - Libby Showalter


Thank you for responding to the small group survey. I have heard from almost everybody. I will compile the results this week and we should be able to get started with new groups by the beginning of October.

You will find the updated phone and email lists in your mailboxes. There are extra copies beside the mailboxes for those who do not have a mailbox at this point or if you need extra copies. Please let Maren know if there are any mistakes in the listings.

Need a hand juggling the important aspects of your life? Stewardship University can help! This event from Mennonite Mutual Aid and our local faith community will be held November 9 at Parkview Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, Va. Stewardship University is the pursuit of whole life stewardship - using the resources God has provided for God's purposes. Registration flyers have been placed in your mailboxes and there are extra on the table beside the mailboxes. Discounts on registration costs are available if there is a group of five or more from each church and if post marked two weeks prior to the event. Dottie Scott can coordinate the mailings, if you are interested in a discount. For more information see Dottie, or contact MMA at (800) 348-7468, Ext. 576, or stewardship@mma-online.org.

The 31st Annual CROP WALK will take place on Sunday, October 13th. The stewardship@mma-online.org is a community-based hunger education and fund raising event sponsored by Church World Service. 25% of the funds raised are used to support local Meals on Wheels and Emergency Food Bank. Church World Service uses the other 75% for emergency relief, preventive health care, food production programs, water resource development and job training. Please plan to participate as a CROP WALKER or financial supporter.

As part of the UVA Middle East Studies Program Helena Cobban will be speaking on: "Current Cycles of Violence in Israel/Palestine" Tuesday, October 1st from 4:00-5:45 Newcomb Hall, room 389. In addition, the following Sunday (Oct. 6), she will be giving a talk at 9:45 a.m. at the Quaker Meeting House (1104 Forest Street).

Prayers and Praises

VMBM: Richard & Margaret Keeler write from Trinidad: "The Friendship Bible Coffees (FBC) continue to provide joy. Another FBC student here in our community accepted the Lord in June, so now there are two believers in that class. The one who accepted Jesus as Savior in June is amazed at her change of attitude at home, and we are rejoicing with her."

Mennonite Mission Network: Pray for Vic, Kathy, Janelle and Katrina Thiessen as they begin their assignment as directors of the London Mennonite Centre in England. Pray especially for this time of settling in and learning to know the staff.

As hosts at London Mennonite Centre, Becky and Jerry Miller's work includes catering for teaching seminars sponsored by the Centre. Pray that the Millers remain welcoming to guests, especially during large events which require much preparation and serving.

Charlottesville Mennonite Church
701 Monticello Ave.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Ph. 434.293.8306
Fx. 434.293.4246

Map of our location.