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Our faith, a work in progress
October 20, 2002

Gathering in Christ's name

Call to worship
Prayer of Invocation
Children's Story

Proclaiming God's Word

Scripture Colossians 1:15-20,21-23,24-27,28-29
Sermon "He, you, I, we"

Responding to God's call

Joys and concerns
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer


Worship Leader - Maren Tyedmers Hange
Sermon - Roy Hange
Music - Larson Family
Nursery - Sue Hess


The MCC Relief Sale in Virginia brought $ 228,000 for MCC's relief
work. The Penny Power jars contributed together over $ 15,000.

On the table outside the kitchen are a few unclaimed/broken/unused items that are no longer required in the use of the kitchen. If you own or wish to own any of these items, p moved a few things around in the kitchen, if you have trouble locatinglease pick them up today! If not, I will see to it that they find a new home! I've something, just let me know. Also, if you use paper cups, plates or napkins for SS class or special events, please replace them so we have enough for our fellowship meals. Thanks! Thanks too for washing up all your plates/mugs/coffee cups after the service each Sunday!

A Peace March will be held in Washington, DC, on Saturday, October 26, 2002. If you would like to travel with a group of individuals from EMU and the Harrisonburg community, meet at EMU's Commons parking lot (across from the tennis courts) at 7 AM. If you plan to travel with the group, call Jane Wenger Clemens at EMU at 540-432-4454 by Friday, October 18. Help send the message that many persons do not want a war with Iraq, and that nonviolent diplomatic solutions need to be used instead of violence. For more information visit www.internationalanswer.org.

A chicken BBQ dinner with international music will be held on Thursday, November 7, 5-7:30 p.m.at Community Mennonite Church, 70 S. High St., Harrisonburg. This is a fundraiser for NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center. Suggested donation: $10 per adult and $7.50 per child.

May God give us the courage to live our convictions. In light of our nation's persistent preparations for war, we invite you to designate Peace Sunday, November 10, 2002, as a time for congregational discernment through prayer and fasting. This prayer and fasting will help each congregation discern God's call to local peacemaking action and broader Mennonite Church USA action. Our times cry out for us to join together as congregations to better hear God. Susan Mark Landis, peace advocate Mennonite Church USA

Prayers and Praises

Pray for healing, comfort and peace in Washington D.C., Indonesia, and other places around the world that encounter violence, terror and fear.

VMBM: Potomac District churches are engaged in a variety of ministries funded by "City on a Hill 2002," a program of Mennonite Mission Network. Pray that these ministries of tutoring, assisting new mothers, and mentoring ex-offenders will meet genuine needs and that they will communicate God's love.

Christian Peacemaker Team: Christian Peacemaker Teams is sending
a 15-person delegation to Iraq on October 23. They will position themselves in sensitive places. Pray that God will use them to keep
the people of Iraq safe. For updates, contact cpt@igc.org.

Mennonite Mission Network: In Sichuan, China, Jeanette Hanson coordinates social assistance community projects: basic speech therapy for preschool children with hearing loss (in cooperation with Mennonite Central Committee's Global Families program) and providing hearing aids to children who need them. Pray for families who receive help.

More than 258 stations across the U.S. and Canada reported using radio spots from Mennonite Media on tough parenting issues in the series, "Parenting: On the Edge." Pray that listeners will find encouragement in dealing with issues and seek out churches as a place to find help.

Charlottesville Mennonite Church
701 Monticello Ave.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Ph. 434.293.8306
Fx. 434.293.4246

Map of our location.