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The time has come,
Jesus said.
"The kingdom of God is near."
Mark 1:15

January 19, 2003

Gathering in Christ's name

Call to worship Psalm 139:1-18 HWB 823
Hymns Come Thou Fount HWB 521
I Sing the Mighty Power of God HWB 46
Prayer of Confession
Children's Story

Proclaiming God's Word

Scripture Mark 1:21-45
Sermon "A day in the life of Jesus"
Hymn Sweet Hour of Prayer HWB 11

Responding to God's call

Joys and concerns
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
Hymn Move in our Midst HWB 418


Worship Leader - Roy Hange
Sermon - Maren Tyedmers Hange
Music - Jen Larson Sawin, Michelle Heatwole
Nursery - Keely Massie


Anybody interested in Christian Peacemaker Forms to register your peace position in case of a draft, please contact Roy Hange. Roy is willing to organize an evening for those interested to help with questions and filling out the forms. The most important part of this process is to have prepared a statement before any draft or call up and to have that statement sent and filed at both the conference office and our church office. Doing so avoids many problems once a draft occurs. Please contact Roy about a time for a meeting.

A retreat for young adults (age 18-30) will be held at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center on February 21-23. Pearl Hoover will speak on the theme "Who We Are: Exploring Our Identity." There will be worship, recreation, free time, and fellowship. For more information or to register, contact the Virginia Mennonite Conference Young Adult Committee at 540-434-9727 or youngadult@vmconf.org, or visit www.vmconf.org/youngadult.

Rosslyn Academy, a Christian international day school in Nairobi, Kenya, is seeking qualified Christian educators for the following positions: Chemistry, IT educator, PE & coaching, lower elementary and Director of Finance & Development. Inquiries should be made to: Recruit@rosslyn.iconnect.co.ke ASAP! Interviews in Canada and the U.S. will be made between Feb. 1-21, 2003.

Prayers and Praises

Sue Hess is traveling to Bangladesh and Indonesia the next two weeks with a local Christian group called Global Advocates. She will be meeting with Christian attorneys and women's groups, teaching about mediation and conflict resolution. This is a program with Advancing Native Missions. Sue asks for your prayers for safe travels for her group, and God's blessing on her contacts.

VMBM: Ridge Mennonite Fellowship, the newest Mennonite congregation in Jamaica, continues to have a small but steady attendance. Omar Beiler has been invited to teach the adult Sunday School class. Pray for God's continual leading in bringing people to the church, which meets on the campus of Maranatha School for the Deaf.

Mennonite Mission Network: Pray for the Mennonite Voluntary Service orientation held January 20-24 in San Antonio. Pray for God's protection and direction for the 12 volunteers who will travel to a new home and adjust to life and service there.

Love Inc.: Pray for the board, staff, and volunteers that all may be energized by God for a new year of joyful service and love for our fellow Christians and our neighbors in need.

Charlottesville Mennonite Church
701 Monticello Ave.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Ph. 434.293.8306
Fx. 434.293.4246

Map of our location.